Monday, May 04, 2009

Skip Hunt's Mexico: Artist Reception May 9th 7-9PM

Stop by and check out the fresh photography by Skip Hunt at House Wine!

This collection is from my recent motorcycle journey in Jan/Feb of 2009. I was reading Edward Weston's Mexico: Daybooks on the trip and decided to shoot mostly black and white. Digital yes, but set as b/w and not raw... so there would ONLY be black/white versions. It was an interesting exercise for me and am quite happy with the results!

These images were made while touring in Mexico ~ Jan/Feb of 2009. And take the viewer into a part of Mexico most never see. Because most of the images were focused more on the literal, and traditional... I thought it'd be interesting to have half the show be the opposite but still Mexico. The other half is all abstract, and textural in brilliant color. There will be reception drink specials, hor'deurves, the photography of Skip Hunt, and live music by Paul Finley!

So come on out and join us for some fun, art, music, and vino! Here's the collection many of these images were taken from:

Interview with Skip Hunt for RedBubble:
Interview with Skip Hunt for 1stAngel:

Hope you can all make it! Disfruta!!!

Skip Hunt Austin, Texas